This summer I’m helping driven entrepreneurs finalise their texts and publish them. Join me!

I still remember my first summer internship as a journalist. It was a mandatory university internship, followed by a three month contract as a journalist in one of the biggest weeklies in Finland. I had visited the editorial offices earlier during the interview but when I got in front of the building the morning of my first day, I found the building empty.  The offices had apparently moved – and I had no idea where! 

I had arrived to the city the night before, and the only bus route I knew was from my apartment to the closed offices. And, though this may reveal my age, I tell you it was waaay before I had an internet connection on my phone. 

In spite of all that, I felt energised and 100% up to the challenge. I didn’t know where I was going (literally) but I knew I would get there and it would be awesome. Today I feel the same way, since I am at the beginning of my new summer job, a Super Editor position. This time, it’s a job I’ve created for myself as an entrepreneur: I promise to help 25 driven female entrepreneur finish the texts they’ve been working on. 

I know the fear that the “publish” button can instill. In spite of all the brilliant post ideas, all the work you’ve put into writing them, they might never seem quite finished. Or maybe it’s articles for your website or social media captions? Whichever it is for you, I have the cure. 

Fortunately, it can be made simple – and now it’s 200% free!

  • Download my free editing checklist that gives you 10 simple steps to take your text to a whole new level and finalise it.
  • Join me live on my completely free workshop (one time only opportunity!), if you happen to be in Geneva in July.
  • Get on the phone with me. On this one-on-one jumpstart call, I give you personalised editing tips and help you take your style to the next level.

Back to that first internship day, I found my way to the new offices with the help of some phone calls and a helpful receptionist. The same way we can conquer your writing struggles. But places are limited, so grab your spot quickly.

And let me know what your favorite and least favorite moment of your writing process is: getting started, continuing to write or finishing it? I’ll share mine in the workshop in just two weeks. Hope to see you there!

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Pauliina Rasi Communications
This summer I'm your super editor
Is your competition stealing your followers? Craft a message that captures their attention with this guide.
Uplevel your social media game and never lose another follower to competition again.