What is a Call-to-Action, why do you absolutely need one and how to draft a perfect one? These and five other questions answered about CTA’s
What is a CTA?
CTA is an acronym for Call-To-Action. Call-to-Action is that part of your content – blog post, podcast, social media post – where you nudge people to take action.
It often comes in the form of a button with text: “Book call”, “Sign up”, “Buy now”, “Click link”. It can also be a spoken request or encouragement.
Why should I add a Call-to-Action to my content?
Call-to-Actions can change the results you get from your content! Many entrepreneurs think it’s obvious what they want their followers to do, but it isn’t. If you share your blog post as a social media post without a CTA, only a handful of people actually click their way to your article, whereas adding a carefully drafted Call-to-Action can multiply the click-through.
Where to use CTA’s?
Use Call-to-Actions in all your content. At the end of your blog post, you can encourage people to download a freebie and join your mailing list. On social media, encourage them to share their questions and opinions. On your website, nudge people to purchase a product or book a discovery call with you.
Can I have several Call-to-Actions in one post?
Only use one at a time. Be very clear with what you want people to do and choose your CTA accordingly. Remember: A confused mind doesn’t buy! If you offer newsletter subscription, a special promotion, a freebie and a discovery call on the same page, you very likely won’t get any of those.
What should my CTA say?
A good Call-to-Action is clear and short. Whenever you can, appeal to emotions. What are your followers worried about? What kind of results are they looking for and what would it mean to them, if they reached them? “Unlock your potential” can appeal to frustrated professionals who feel stuck at their work. “Start reaching your dream clients today” speaks to an aspiring entrepreneur.
What should my Call-to-Action look like?
According to many tests, buttons work better than links. Use bright colors (red performs well!) that stand out from other colors on your site. If you can’t add a button (for example on social media), do all you can to make the link visible and state clearly why you want people to click.
Won’t my followers feel CTA’s are pushy?
Use language that is in line with your tone of voice and that you feel comfortable with. Make sure to formulate your message so that it highlights the value for your clients. It’s not about “Download this writing guide so that I can build my email list” – it’s about “Are you struggling with putting your About Me page together? This template guides you through the process in just one hour. Download your copy now and start attracting your dream clients and grow your business.”
How can I be sure my Call-to-Actions work?
Test things strategically. Try one CTA for a week or two and then switch it to another. You can also ask a trusted friend or your business bestie for her opinion.
Time for my CTA!
Start by making sure you have a Call-to-Action in all your content and start tracking the results. If they aren’t working, I’m always here for you. Drop your question in comments below or book a complimentary 1:1 Strategy Mapping Session with me and we can troubleshoot your Call-to-Actions and turn your content around, so that you start getting the results you deserve.
P.S. Which one did you find more compelling: the button or the text link?