Is content marketing support expensive? What is the difference between a coach and a consultant? These and five other questions you might have about content marketing support but you’ve been too timid to ask.

How much does content marketing support for a business, team or personal brand cost? 

When is the right time to invest in support?

How to choose between the different professionals out there, when social media is bursting with offers?

These are some of the most common questions and hesitations people have about working with a content marketing coach or consultant. 

Still, too few people actually find a way to ask them out loud. 

I looked into my discovery call notes, private messages – and between the lines! – to find the most frequent and important questions to answer when searching for support to turn their amazing content into steady business streams.

I’ve taken many marketing and branding programs. What difference can another program make?

One of my key offers is a 1:1 content marketing and communications program called “From Content to Clients”. Just a while ago, I spoke with a lady with ambitious business plans who asked me this question. 

Online programs and different group programs are often about learning a specific skill set. Besides the guidance available, in group versions, there are even Q&A calls and other support mechanisms. 

I’ve set up my offer very differently: it’s fully tailored to each participant’s needs. There are certain non-negotiable elements to cover, but there’s also a lot of space for customisation. All the calls are 1:1 – just you and me – so you’ll have detailed feedback on your work and can ask all the questions without sharing confidential details with anyone else. 

How much time does it take to get results through content?

For a brand new business, it can take between 3 to 6 months or even up to a year to make the first client through content. On the other hand, a seasoned professional with an established audience, who changes professional tracks, can get results in a few months with consistent, targeted actions. 

Because creating a strategy, optimising the channels and setting afoot a content plan takes some time, I usually work with my clients for at least four months. But some of them have stayed with me for years! All depends on the starting situation, goals and the time you have at your disposal to work on your content and communications between the calls. 

Is it mandatory to commit to a long-term collaboration?

I’ve set the four-month minimum for my program because I’ve seen that it makes meaningful progress in a shorter time. If you’re looking to uplevel a certain, clearly defined skill, or test a single strategy, one or two months can work as well. 

Strategy work sounds tedious. Couldn’t I just hire someone to write for me?

This is one of my favourite discussions with independent consultants and early-stage businesses!

In short: Yes, you could. 

In more detail: In the early stages of a business, the message needs to be clarified and tested. If you hire someone to create a website, social media profiles and content for different channels while the message is still in the testing phase, you might end up paying them for a message that doesn’t work. 

On the other hand, when you do that testing yourself, it helps you connect with your community and gain all kinds of useful insights. When the message is crystal clear, you can make a better return on your outsourcing investment. 

How big or established does a business need to be to benefit from content marketing consulting?

I see the best and fastest results when working with entrepreneurs and independent consultants who have between two and five years of experience. They have a solid idea of their strengths, services and clients and want to expand their impact and business. 

However, there are no too-small or too-early-stage businesses for tailored content marketing and communication consulting. Strategy consulting is particularly helpful for businesses in the early stages because support, sparring and the right tools will help you find your message and the right channels to share it faster. 

What does content marketing consultation cost?

Right now, in 2024, I have three different programs ranging from 2400 Swiss francs to close to 4000. In Euros, that means from 2500 to a little over 4000, and in US dollars the range is between 2700 and 4500. 

For comparison, many business coaching programs are more expensive but also wider in scope. Most self-study programs, however, stay below that level, but are also more narrow in their topics.

What is the difference between a marketing coach and a consultant?

The difference can be hard to tell! The terms “coach” and “consultant” are often used interchangeably, and there aren’t legal definitions or restrictions to the use of either. 

Coaching refers to a question-based accompaniment, where the coach’s role is to support the client to find the answers and the path forward. There are many great coaching certificates, and as I haven’t gone through any of them, I don’t refer to myself as a coach.

Consulting is often used in the corporate context and people often expect consultants to give advice and clear guidance. 

My approach is something between the two: I offer guidance and clear answers when it’s relevant but ensure the client has the space to make their own decisions and don’t feel pressured. Should I call myself a coachaltant, then?

Did I miss your question?

I hope these answers help you gain clarity on what content marketing and communications consulting can do for your business, what the different options are and how to navigate the jungle of different service providers. 

Did I miss a question you’ve been racking your brain about?

Drop it in the comments below, or if you’d rather share it privately, message me on LinkedIn or via email!

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