Content creation process has one crucial step that many entrepreneurs regularly omit.

It doesn’t take a lot of time but when done right, it makes the rest of the content creation quicker and easier. 

More importantly, it helps you create better quality content that your audience will love and that will help you grow your business consistently.

It is brainstorming.

If you skip brainstorming, because you are busy or just don’t feel like the ideas will flow today, it makes every step of the process more difficult and time-consuming. You don’t have ideas, so it’s hard to create content. You don’t publish new content and get frustrated. The more you push yourself, the harder it feels.

So why don’t we just fix the first step so that the rest can flow, too? Choose one that you have time for today and get started.

Read More: Content Plan 2021 – 5 Questions Your Content Plan Should Answer

5 Minutes: Ask Google

When you don’t have a lot of time, aim for quick wins. 

One of the easiest ways to find new ideas is to ask Google. Start by typing in the Google search bar words related to your business and see what Google suggests. Then use these topics as a starting point for your blog, video or social media content.

Extra perk: These are words people search for a lot, so adding them to your SEO strategy will help with your visibility, too.

10 Minutes: Check analytics

Your website and social media analytics are a brilliant ideation tool as well. Study the analytics to see what kind of content has attracted a lot of views, comments and shares. 

You can use this insight in two different ways: Firstly, it is a good source of inspiration for creating fresh content. Secondly, you can reuse and repurpose evergreen favourites and share them with your audience as well.

Extra perk: Tapping into your best performing content is a great way to deliver your audience what they want.

15 Minutes: Theme brainstorming

When you’re tight on time, focusing on a specific theme or topic helps you get tangible results more quickly than a free brainstorming.

Before starting your brainstorming session, decide on a theme or topic to concentrate on. It can be a certain content type, for example, or a certain channel. You can also use a timer to divide your fifteen minutes into 3 sections for different themes.

Extra perk: Time limit forces you to concentrate so your precious brainstorming time won’t be wasted on staring out of the window or at the bottom of your coffee mug. A focused working session will likely boost your productivity for the rest of the day, too.

20 Minutes: Catch up with colleagues over coffee

Entrepreneurship can get lonely sometimes and when it comes to content creation, working alone can lead to repetitive topics and boring copy. 

Freshen up your ideas by ideating together with colleagues from different fields. Ask a few friends for a (virtual) coffee break or gang up with fellow entrepreneurs in your co-working space.

Give each other fresh points of view and topics and help one another come up with ideas you wouldn’t have thought of on your own.

Extra perk: A shared brainstorming session is an organic networking opportunity that can lead to new collaborations as well.

25 Minutes: Take a walk

Maybe your office is not the most inspiring environment? Work on your ideas while taking a brisk walk. 

The exercise gets your endorphins flowing which helps with creative thinking and makes you feel good. Just remember to focus on the topic at hand and bring your wandering mind back to the task regularly.

Try recording your ideas as you walk, since stopping to take notes every few steps grows annoying really quickly.

Extra perk: When you finish your day, there’s no need to go to the gym. The exercise is already done!

30 Minutes: Host a brainstorming lunch

If your brainstorming coffee break went well, why not  extend the idea to a lunch? This can also work with your team: when everyone is busy and focused on turning off their own fires, combining work and a meal can be a good way to squeeze a brainstorming session into everyone’s day. 

Or if you’re working on your own, invite your family to join you and ask for their help.

Extra perk: You’ll get to spend time with nice people – that alone will spruce up your creativity!

Remember these golden rules of brainstorming

  • Write down all the ideas and sort and filter them later
  • Be constructive, also and especially with yourself
  • Turn off your phone and protect yourself from interruptions
  • Brainstorm regularly, even if it’s only for 5 minutes

Read More: Want to Publish Content Regularly? Take These 4 Steps

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